Rosette Hello Kitty Apple Gommage I thought this was a cleanser when I bought it cause I had no idea what a gommage was. But I figured it out with the help of the internet. I don't really know how well it works but I do love the apple scent and Hello Kitty packaging (of course!).
Dolly Wink Liquid Eyeliner I LOVE this eyeliner. I haven't tried too many liquid liners, but now that I discovered this, I will probably never buy another kind ever again. I really hope it doesn't run out quickly and that they don't discontinue it.
Nicole by OPI in Spring Romance There was a red heart version of this for sale a while ago that I never got. Spotted this cute pink one in the aisles of Target and into the basket it went! It's kind of hard to apply but I still love it, nonetheless.
Gelato Pique Spring/Summer 2010 Mook I have a small obsession with "roomwear" and I really wanted the cute travel case that this mook came with it is! I have a bajillion travel cases things now haha.
ViVi & PopSister June 2010 Self-explanatory~
Oh my god! that is the cutest nail polish I have seen in a while. Don't know if I can't get it here but I definitely should look around!